Jan 5, 2017
On Thursday December 8th Syserco sponsored the San Francisco Hotel Council energy efficiency seminar focused on helping hotels move beyond LED projects to enhance their energy reduction, increase their operational efficiency and improve guest comfort.
Hotel General Managers, Directors of Engineering and Chief Engineers learned about programs specifically designed for the hospitality industry to provide energy focused solutions and utility incentives and rebates.
The Hotel Council is a non-profit trade organization founded in 1987 to advocate on behalf of our members to ensure the economic and social vitality of the hospitality industry in San Francisco. San Francisco is a leader in sustainable hospitality and the Hotel Council of San Francisco is dedicated to providing members with the resources to achieve their sustainability goals. www.hotelcouncilsf.org
An industry leader in developing and delivering energy saving solutions, our team provides turnkey project design and delivery services that address infrastructure needs, and dramatically improves energy efficiency and the environment of care. Whether you are building new facilities or retrofitting existing ones, our solutions and services improve system performance, lower operating costs and deliver savings for years to come. www.syserco.com